Arba'een 2023

Grave of Mukhtar in Kufa, Iraq


On Arba'een this year, I would like to shed light on the revolution of Mukhtar in the aftermath of Karbala; through which he took revenge from the accursed murderers of Imam Hussain (a.s) and his venerable companions. All of those who had obeyed Yazid in the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.) and fought with him, either turned insane or developed leprosy or paralysis, and this continued in his progeny as inheritance.

Sources: Nafasul Mahmum (Sheikh Abbas Qummi),, Kamil of ibn Aseer

Who was Mukhtar?

Mukhtar b. Abi 'Ubayd al-Thaqafi was the youngest son of a prominent companion of the prophet (pbuh). Born in 622 AD, as a 13-year-old  he participated  in the Battle of al-Jisr, one of the battles fought during the era of the second caliph, known as the Qadisiyya Wars, where he lost his father and brothers.

Despite losing his father and our brothers early on, he would still develop into a brave warrior. Ibn Taqtaqi records that al-Mukhtar was a noble and effortful man. Given that the Thaqif tribe was known for their bravery, and Mukhtar's father and uncle were the great military leaders of early Islam, Mukhtar was nurtured similarly. He would also be appointed deputy governor of Madein during the caliphate of Imam Ali (a.s).

In Madinah, Imam Hussain (a.s) had received 1000s of letters from Kufans pledging allegianceand asking him to lead them. Imam sent his representative, Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (who was also his cousin), to Kufa to assess the situation.

Despite receiving pledges of support by the 1000s in Kufa, Hazrat Muslim was eventually abandoned by the Kufans and martyred before the targedy of Karbala by Ibn Ziyad. Mukhtar had also pledged allegiance but was not in Kufa on the day of his untimely uprising. Upon his return, he could not find Hazrat Muslim as he had already been martyred. Mukhtar was imprisoned by Ibn Ziyad, who struck his eye and was determined to kill him but was convinced by a nobleman of Kufa just to imprison him instead.

Mukhtar could not join Imam Hussain at Karbala as he was stuck in the prison of Kufa. For details on the tragedy of Karbala, refer to last year's article.

Release from prison  and alliance with Abdullah ibn Zubayr

Mukhtar sent someone to Abdullah bin Umar, who was the husband of his sister Safiyyah, who in turn wrote to Yazid and mediated for him. Yazid ordered Ibn Ziyad to release him, stipulating that he would not remain in Kufa for more than three days. Thereafter, he left for Hijaz, where he met with Abdullah ibn Zubayr and pledged allegiance to him on the condition that he would have a prominent role and nothing would be done without his consent.  

When Yazid's army attacked the Ka'aba, he fought along with Ibn Zubayr against Haseen bin Nameer and passed the best test. Then, when Yazid died and the people of Iraq submitted to Ibn Zubayr, Mukhtar remained with him for five months, but Ibn Zubayr did not present him with any vital tasks. Ibn Zubyar would eventually declare himself caliph. Mukhtar departed for Kufa, where he would be arrested again and then released after the battle of Tawabeen (the penitents). For a detailed look at Tawabeen, God willing, I will add an extension article to this one.  

It has been related to the revolt of Mukhtar in Kufa and its causes, that Mukhtar told Abdullah bin Zubayr, “I know a group of men, that if there exists a man who is intelligent, prudent, experienced and shrewd, who would control them suitably and gather an army from among them for you, so that you may combat the Syrians along with them”. Ibn Zubayr asked who they were, and Mukhtar replied, “The Shi’ah of Ali in Kufa”. Ibn Zubayr said, Then the concerned person should be yourself. Saying this, he dispatched him to Kufa, took residence in a street, wept upon Imam Husayn (a.s.), and remembered his sorrows until people gradually started gathering around him. They took him to their base in Kufa and a large group rallied around him, and when he gained momentum, he would attack Ibn Muti’.

Movement in Kufa

In 685 AD (66 A.H.), Mukhtar revolted in Kufa and ousted Abdullah bin Muti’, the governor of Abdullah bin Zubayr. It started when Sulayman bin Surad (leader of Tawabeen) was martyred and his companions returned back to Kufa; they saw that Abdullah bin Yazid Hatami and Ibraheem bin Muhammad bin Talha imprisoned Mukhtar. Mukhtar sent them a letter from the prison in which he praised them and promised them success, and he announced to them that he was deputed by Muhammad bin Ali (brother of Imam Hussain a.s who was given responsibility for political affairs by the Imam of the time, Imam Sajjad a.s the son of Imam Hussain), renowned as Ibn Hanafiyah, to seek vengeance (for the blood of Imam Husayn). Rufa’ah bin Shaddad, Musannah bin Makhrabah Abadi, Sa’ad bin Huzayfah bin Yaman, Yazid bin Anas, Ahmad bin Shamit Ahmari, Abdullah bin Shaddad Bajali and Abdullah bin Kamil read his letter.

After having read the letter, they sent Ibn Kamil to Mukhtar with the message that, “We are your well-wishers, and if you desire, we shall lay siege and rescue you from the prison”. When Mukhtar heard this, he was overjoyed and said, “I shall be released from the prison in a few days”. Mukhtar had sent a message to (Abdullah) Ibn Umar that, “I have been imprisoned innocently”, and he had desired that Ibn Umar should plead on his behalf to Abdullah bin Yazid and Ibraheem bin Muhammad bin Talha.

He, in turn, wrote a recommendation letter to them and they relented and released him. But they took surety from him and an oath that until they held the reins of the government of Kufa, he should not pave the way for their captivity or revolt against them. And that if he does so, he shall be compelled to sacrifice a thousand Camels near the Kab’ah and that all his slaves, males and females, shall be emancipated.
And when Mukhtar was released, he remained at his house and with whomever he met, he said, “May Allah kill them! What foolish men they are that they believe that I shall honor the promise that I have given them. And as regards the promise, I always look at the task that is better than it, and then give compensation for it and thus I become free of the promise. While my stand against them is better than remaining aloof from them. As regards the sacrifice of Camels and emancipation of slaves, it is more easier for me than spitting, and I befriend that if I reach my goal, I shall have no desire for slaves."

Thereafter the Shi’ah visited him often and started liking him in conformity to one another, while his companions started increasing day by day and gained strength until Ibn Zubayr suspended Abdullah bin Yazid and Ibraheem bin Muhammad bin Talha and appointed Abdullah bin Muti’ as the governor of Kufa. Then when Ibraheem decided to go to Kufa, Bahir bin Rustam Humayri met him and said, “Do not leave tonight, for the moon is in the Aries”.
He replied, “We too are proceeding”, while he would proceed towards any danger that he desired (without fear). And it is as if his speech enamored him, while he was a valorous man. Ibraheem returned to Madinah while having a large amount of taxes with him, but he said that the situation was very bad and no taxes could be collected, while Ibn Zubayr did not press him further.
Ibn Muti entered Kufa, while five days of the month of Ramadhan were left, and appointed Ayas bin Abi Mazarib Ajali as chief of the police force and commanded him to treat the people pleasantly and arrest the suspicious ones.

When he reached Kufa, he ascended the pulpit and recited a sermon saying, “Now then! The Commander of the faithful (he meant Abdullah Ibn Zubayr, Allah’s refuge) has deputed me upon your city and your boundaries. And he has ordered me to collect the taxes from you and not to take anything outside of the city from your taxes without your permission". Ibn Muti’ dispatched Za’edah bin Qudamah and Haseen bin Abdullah Barsami to fetch Mukhtar (so he could arrest him). They told him, “Hasten to the call of the commander”. Mukhtar prepared to go when Zaedah recited the verse of the Qur’an:

“And when planned they against you, those who disbelieved, that they might imprison you, or slay you or drive you away (Surah al-Anfal, 8:30)."

Hearing this, Mukhtar threw away his clothes and said, “Wrap me with a gown for fever has taken hold of me, and I sense severe trembling within me”. They returned and informed Ibn Muti’ who then lifted his hands off him.
After that, Mukhtar sent someone to fetch his companions and made them reside in the adjoining houses while he intended to rise up in the city of Kufa in the month of Muharram. A man from the clan of Shibam, a branch of (the clan of) Hamadan, named Abdul Rahman bin Shurayh, who was modest, came and met Sa’eed bin Munqiz Sawri, Sa’ar bin Abi Sa’ar Hanafi, Aswad bin Jarar Kindi and Qudamah bin Malik Jashmi, and said, “Mukhtar intends to drag us to revolt while we are not sure whether Muhammad bin Hanafiyah has sent him or no? Come, let us go to him and apprise him regarding Mukhtar, then, if he directs us, we shall obey him and be his associates, and if he refuses, we shall get away from him. By Allah! It should not be that we should let go our Religion for this world”.
They agreed and went to Ibn Hanafiyah who inquired from them regarding the affairs of men. They gave him the details and related to him their stand as also that of Mukhtar, and asked his permission to obey him. Then when they concluded their speech, Ibn Hanafiyah, while answering them, after praising and glorifying Allah and relating the merit of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) and remembering the sufferings of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.), said, “Regarding whom you have inquired that he invites you to avenge our blood, by Allah! I desire that Allah may take revenge from your enemies at the hands of anyone”.

If he had been displeased with Mukhtar he would have commanded them not to obey him. They returned back, while a group of the Shi’ah were awaiting them so as to know their intentions, while their recourse towards Muhammad bin Hanafiyah was displeasing to Mukhtar, who feared lest they would bring a message that would disperse the Shi’ah from him. Therefore when they entered Kufa, before going to their houses, they went to Mukhtar who asked them, “What happened that you fell in doubt and sedition?”

They replied, “We have been ordered to assist you”, and Mukhtar said, “Allah is Great! Then summon the Shi’ah to me”. They called for those who were within their reach and Mukhtar said, “A group desired that they should verify the validity of my claim and therefore went to Imam Mahdi (Muhammad Hanafiyah) and asked him regarding me. He replied to them that I am his vizier, assistant and envoy, and he has ordered you to obey and assist me with regards to my invitation of revolting against the enemies, and seek revenge for the blood of the Progeny (a.s.) of the Chosen Prophet (S)”.

Abdul Rahman bin Shurayh arose and gave them details of his journey and announced that Ibn Hanafiyah had ordered them to assist and support him. Then he said, “Those who are present should inform those who are absent, then prepare yourselves and beware”. Thereafter those who had accompanied him also arose and confirmed his words. The Shi’ah rallied around Mukhtar while along with them was Sha’bi and his father Sharahil. Then when they resolved to arise, one of his companions informed him that, “The chiefs of Kufa have united with Ibn Muti’ to fight with you, then if Ibraheem bin Malik (bin Ashtar) sides with us, we shall gain victory upon the enemies. For he is well versed in politics, while his father was honorable and from a (great) tribe, while his tribe is honorable and well equipped with men”.
Mukhtar replied, “Then visit him and invite him”. Therefore a group, along with Sha’bi, went to meet Ibraheem, and they apprised him of their affairs and invited his assistance. They reminded him that his father was from among the friends of Imam Ali (a.s.) and his Progeny (a.s.).

He replied, “I shall assist you in revenging the blood of Imam Husayn (a.s.) with a condition that you shall make me your commander”. They replied, “You are worthy to command, but presently this is not possible, for Mukhtar has been sent and deputed for this task by the Mahdi (referring to Muhammad bin Hanafiyah) to fight with the enemies, while we have been commanded to obey him”. Hearing this Ibraheem became silent and did not answer them while they returned back to Mukhtar and informed him.

Mukhtar waited for three days and went to Ibraheem, accompanied with more than ten of his companions, and Sha’bi and his father. He received them fairly and made Mukhtar sit besides him. Then Mukhtar told him, “This letter is from the Mahdi, Muhammad bin Ali the Commander of the faithful (a.s.), who is among the best of men today upon the earth, and is also the son of the best of men who have departed until he reaches the Prophets of Allah and His Messengers. And he desires that you should assist and support me”. Sha’bi says, that the letter was in my hand. When Mukhtar ended his words, he said, “Hand him over the letter”. Sha’bi handed him over the letter and he read it, the contents of which were as follows: “From Muhammad al Mahdi to Ibraheem bin Malik Ashtar. Peace be upon you! I send praise of Allah, besides Whom there is no other Deity, to you. And now then! I am dispatching to you my vizier, a trustworthy man and the one whom I have chosen to fight against my enemies, and have commanded him to seek revenge for the blood of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). Therefore you, along with your tribe and those under your obedience, should fight alongside him. Then if you obey us and accept our invitation, you shall certainly hold a position near us, then you shall have control upon each horsemen, the battalion, every city, pulpit and border, from Kufa till Aqsa, the town of Syria, on which you gain victory”.

When Ibraheem completed reading the letter, he said, “Ibn Hanafiyah has written to me earlier and had only written his name along with that of his father (and not addressed himself as the Mahdi)”. Mukhtar replied, “That was another time, while this is another time”. Ibraheem said, “Who knows this letter is from him or no”. A group of the companions of Mukhtar, comprising of Zayd (or Yazid) bin Anas, Ahmar bin Shamit, Abdullah bin Kamil and others arose to bear witness that the letter was from him.

The Revolt

Mukhtar used two phrases: "Ya la-Tharat al-Husayn" (Arabic: یالثارات الحسین, lit.: O the avengers of Husayn) and "Ya Mansur, Amit" (Arabic: یا منصور أمِت, lit.: O the victor, kill) as his motto. When putting his war clothes on, al-Mukhtar informed his followers of the beginning of the uprising by chanting these mottoes. The second motto was first used in the Battle of Badr, and the Tawwabun Uprising used the first. Also, when 'Umar b. Saad (commander of Yazid's army at Karbala) was killed, the people of Kufa celebrated by chanting "Ya la-Tharat al-Husayn"

When Ibraheem heard their witnesses, he arose from his elevated bed and sat Mukhtar in his place and pledged allegiance to him, and they left. Ibraheem started visiting Mukhtar every night and revising the fulfilment of their plans. Soon after Ibraheem's allegiance Mukhtar and his followers revolted on a Thursday night, taking control of Kufa.

Full account of revolt :  

The Revolt
Mukhtar used two phrases: “Ya la-Tharat al-Husayn” (Arabic: یالثارات الحسین, lit.: O the avengers of Husayn) and “Ya Mansur, Amit” (Arabic: یا منصور أمِت, lit.: O the victor, kill) as his motto. When putting his war clothes on, al-Mukhtar informed his followers of the beginning of the uprising by

The elimination of the murderers of Imam Husayn (a.s.) by Mukhtar

In sixty-six hijrah, Mukhtar turned towards the murderers of Imam Husayn (a.s.) to kill them. The reason was that when the caliphate of Marwan bin Hakam was established in Syria, he dispatched two armies, one to Hijaz under the command of Hubaysh bin Daljah Qayni, and the second towards Iraq under the command of Ubaydullah bin Ziyad. The latter would eventually have a battle with Mukhtar while there was also a revolt in Kufa the details of which I forego in the interest of brevity. Many of those who fought against Imam Hussain (a.s) in Karbala took part in the revolt against Mukhtar.

After defeating the rebels five hundred men from the houses of Wadi’ayn and were brought with hands bound together to Mukhtar. Mukhtar said, “Investigate regarding them, then inform me as to which of them were included in the murder of Husayn (a.s.)”.
Then he put to death two hundred and forty-eight men from among them (who were included in the murder of Imam Husayn). His companions started putting to sword their enemies (among the captives), and when Mukhtar saw this, he commanded that those of the captives who were left should be released. Mukhtar took an oath from them that they should neither side with his enemies nor should they revolt against him or his companions or plot against them. The caller of Mukhtar announced, “The one who remains locked in his house shall remain in peace, except those who are included in the blood of the Progeny of Muhammad (S)”.

Amr bin Hajjaj Zubaydi, who had sided in the blood of Imam Husayn (a.s.), mounted his Camel and fled from the road of Waqisah while none had any news until now regarding him. It is said that the companions of Mukhtar found him while he had fallen down due to thirst, and they killed him (May Allah’s eternal curse be upon him) and brought his head to Mukhtar.

Elimination of Shimr ibn Ziljawshan

Shimr ibn Ziljawshan, the murderer of Imam Hussain a.s (by most accounts) was one of the leaders of the rebels and tried to flee after the revolt failed. Mukhtar dispatched one of his retainers named Zarbi behind Shimr bin Ziljawshan, who was along with his companions. When they neared him, Shimr told his companions, “You draw back, and perhaps this slave bears avarice with me”. They went away from him and Zarbi ran towards Shimr who attacked him and killed him.

Shimr, accompanied by his companions, ran out of Kufa and reached Sadna until night and went towards a village called Kaltaniyah, which was on the bank of a stream and at the foot of a hillock. They caught hold of a non-Arab man from the village and brought him to Shimr. He thrashed him up and said, “You should take my letter to Mus’ab bin Zubayr”.

The man went to his village in which Abu Umroh, one of the companions of Mukhtar, was positioned on guard there between Mukhtar and the Basrans. The non-Arab man met another non-Arab man from his village and complained to him regarding his state and how Shimr had treated him, he also told him regarding the responsibility assigned to him. At that moment, one of the companions of Abu Umroh, Abdul Rahman bin Abi Kanood, met them and saw the letter of Shimr addressed to Mus’ab bin Zubayr in their hands. He asked the man where was Shimr. He showed him the way, and there was a distance of less than three farsakh (about 5km)  in between them. The companions of Shimr had warned him that it was dangerous to remain there and that they should leave from there. He replied, “You fear this liar such? By Allah! I shall rest at this place for three days”. But their hearts were full of fear, and when they slept, they heard the sound of the horses’ hooves.

They said, “This is the sound of the horses’ hooves”. They neared them, and before his companions could arise, the cavalry came down from the hill and called out the Takbeer and surrounded the tents. His companions scattered in bewilderment and left their horses behind them. Shimr wound a clock around himself while the marks of leprosy were visible from beneath it. He took a lance in his hand and hit it towards them, they had not even given him time to wear his clothes or ammunitions. His companions, who had positioned themselves at a distance away from him, heard the voice of Takbeer and someone calling out, “The vicious one has been killed”. Ibn Abi Kanood, who had seen his letter in the hands of the non-Arab man, killed him and scattered his remains in front of the dogs. (May Allah’s eternal curse be upon him, and may he remain in the deepest dent of hell).

Elimination of Khawli and others

Mukhtar then turned his attention to the remaining ones, “Our religion is not that we may live and leave the murderers of Imam Husayn (a.s.) alive. In that case what bad companions should we be in this world for the progeny of Muhammad (S). While I would become the ‘Liar’ as is attributed to me. I solicit Allah’s assistance upon them. Then inform me regarding each of them, and pursue them until you kill them. And eating and drinking is detestable for me until I do not purify this earth of them."

They informed him regarding Abdullah bin Usayd Jahni, Malik bin Bashir Badi and Haml bin Malik Muharibi. Mukhtar dispatched someone and summoned them from Qadisiyyah. When his sight fell upon them, he said, “O enemies of Allah and the Prophet of Allah (S)! Where is Husayn bin Ali? Settle the debt of Husayn, you have killed those on whom you were ordered to send salutations?”
They replied, “May Allah’s mercy be upon you! We were compelled to go there, therefore oblige us and leave us alive”. He replied, “Why did you not oblige Husayn, the grandson of the Prophet, and leave him alive, nor give him water to drink?” While Badi (Malik bin Bashir) had seized the burnoose of Imam Husayn (a.s.), Mukhtar ordered that both his hands and legs should be severed. He was laid down and he coiled until he died, while the two others were killed similarly.
Then Mukhtar summoned Ziyad bin Malik Zaba’i, Imran bin Khalid Qushayri, Abdul Rahman bin Abi Khashkar Bajali and Abdullah bin Qays Khawlani.

They were brought to him, and when his sight fell upon them, he said, “O murderers of the virtuous ones! O murderers of the Master of the dwellers of paradise! Today Allah seeks retribution from you. It was an ill-omened day on which you raided the camps”, while they had looted the camps of Imam Husayn (a.s.). Mukhtar ordered them to be killed.

Abdullah and Abdul Rahman, the sons of Salkhab, were then brought to him along with Abdullah bin Wahb bin ‘Amr Hamadani, the cousin of A’amash Hamadani. Mukhtar ordered them to be killed too. Then they brought Usman bin Khalid bin Usayd Dahmani Jahni and Abu Asma bin Bashr bin Shumayt Qanesi, who had assisted one another in killing Abdul Rahman bin Aqeel and stripping him. He ordered them to be beheaded and thrown into the blazing fire.
Then he summoned Khawli bin Yazid Asbahi, who had brought the head of Imam Husayn (a.s.) to Kufa. When they went in his pursuit, he hid himself in the lavatory, while the companions of Mukhtar entered his house to search him. His wife, Ayoof, the daughter of Malik, who had become his enemy from the night he had brought the head of Imam Husayn (a.s.), came outside and said, “What do you desire?” They asked, “Where is your husband?” She replied, “I do not know”, saying this she pointed towards the lavatory. They went there and caught him while he had worn a leather upon his head. They brought him outside and killed him in front of his family and burnt him. (May Allah’s eternal curse be upon all of them).

Elimination of Umar bin Sa’ad and other murderers of Imam Husain (a.s.)

One day Mukhtar told his associates, “Tomorrow I shall kill a man who is big-footed, with sunken eyes and stout eyebrows, the murder of whom will please the believers and the ‘Neared Angels’."
Haysam bin Aswad Nakha’i, who was near him, understood that he meant Umar bin Sa’ad (as mentioned earlier he was the commander of Yazid's army at Karbala). He returned home and sent his son Irban to Umar and informed him. Umar replied, “May Allah reward your father fairly! How can Mukhtar kill me after bestowing promises and oath to me”. Abdullah bin Ja’daj bin Hubayrah, was a relative of Imam Ali (a.s.), and was more endeared to Mukhtar than anyone else. Umar bin Sa’ad had asked his intervention and had secured a letter of protection from him. In the letter Mukhtar had (deliberately) stated that any incident (Hadas) should not come forth from his side, while what he meant was to answer the call of nature (for Hadas also means that).

When Irban returned, Umar came out of his house and went to Hammamah and asked for an explanation of the deed of security from one of his retainers. The person replied, “It has been related on oath that no impurity (Hadas) should be done on your part, and what impurity (Hadas) is bigger than that you have left your house and have come here? Thus hasten to your house and do not create any excuse for you”. Hearing this Umar hastened to his house, while it was informed to Mukhtar that Umar bin Sa’ad had left his house. He replied, “No never, he has a chain bound in his neck which will bring him back”.
On the preceding morning, Mukhtar dispatched Abu Umroh in his pursuit. He came to Umar and said, “Answer the call of the commander”. Umar arose while his legs got entangled in his shirt, and he fell down upon the floor. Abu ‘Amr dealt a blow at him with his sword and killed him (May Allah’s eternal curse be upon him) and brought his head to Mukhtar. Mukhtar told his son Hafas, who was seated near him, “Do you recognize this head?” He answered, “Verily yes! While life after him does not seem fair”. Mukhtar ordered him to be killed too and said, “That was in lieu of Husayn (a.s.) and this is in lieu of Ali bin Husayn (a.s.). By Allah! If I kill one-third of a quarter of Quraysh, debt of even one of their fingers will not have been given.”

The reason for his agitation in killing Umar was that Yazid bin Sharahil Ansari went to the presence of Muhammad bin Hanafiyah. He saluted him and when their conversation reached Mukhtar, Ibn Hanafiyah said, “He perceives that he is our Shi’ah while the murderers of Husayn (a.s.) are seated on the chairs facing him and he speaks to them?” When Yazid returned to Kufa, he informed Mukhtar regarding it. Thus he killed Umar bin Sa’ad and sent his head to Muhammad bin Hanafiyah and wrote to him, “Wherever I will find them, I will kill them. While I am in pursuit of the remaining ones who had participated in the murder of Imam Husayn (a.s.).”

Abdullah bin Sharik says, that I have seen men wearing fringed robes and black caps and mounted, that when Umar passed by them, before he was killed, they would say, “He is one of the murderers of Husayn”.
Ibn Sireen says that Imam Ali (a.s.) had once told Umar bin Sa’ad, “When you shall reach a place and shall have an option to choose between paradise and hell, while you shall select hell"

Thereafter Mukhtar dispatched someone in pursuit of Hakim bin Tufayl Ta’i, who had plundered the clothes of Abbas bin Ali (a.s.) and had shot an arrow at Imam Husayn (a.s.) and would say, “My arrow pierced his shirt but caused him no harm”. The companions of Mukhtar arrested him, while he dispatched someone to Adi bin Hatim, so as to intervene on his behalf. Adi spoke to those who had arrested him and they replied that, “Option lies with Mukhtar”, thus he went to meet him. While Mukhtar had accepted his intervention for some people of his tribe who were arrested in the ground of Sabi’.
The Shi’ah said, “Perhaps he may accept intervention for him”, saying this they shot arrows at him as the penalty for the arrows that he had shot at Imam Husayn (a.s.) and had made his body similar to the porcupine. Adi went to Mukhtar, who made him sit with him, and he intervened on his (Hakim’s) behalf. Mukhtar replied, “Is it that I should release the murderers of Husayn (a.s.)?” Adi replied, “He has been falsely accused”. Mukhtar said, “Then if it is true, we shall leave him to you”. Ibn Kamil entered therein and informed Mukhtar of his murder.
Mukhtar said, “Why did you make haste in killing him and not bring him to me?” while in his heart he was pleased by his murder. Ibn Kamil replied, “The Shi’ah arrested him forcefully and killed him”. Adi told Ibn Kamil, “Rather you speak a lie. You perceived lest the one who is better than you might accept my intervention for him. Therefore you killed him”. Ibn Kamil started abusing Adi, while Mukhtar restrained him.

Thereafter Mukhtar dispatched someone in pursuit of the murderer of Ali Akbar, Munqiz bin Murrah, from the clan of Abdul Qays, while he was a valorous man. They surrounded his house, when he mounted his horse and with a lance in his hand, attacked them. A sword was struck at his hand, but he scattered from their midst and saved himself and reached Mus’ab bin Zubayr. But his hand turned ill and worthless.
Then Mukhtar sent someone behind Zayd bin Riqqad Habbani, he would say: I shot an arrow at one of the martyrs and fixed his hand upon his forehead, while he was none other than Abdullah bin Muslim bin Aqeel. He could not separate his hand and said, “O Lord! They consider our worth to be less, and consider us to be wretched. Thus, kill those who kill us”. Then another arrow pierced his heart, and when I came to his head, he had already died. Then I pulled out the arrow from his heart that had killed him, I tried pulling out the arrow that had pierced his forehead and shook it, and its handle came out, but the point remained stuck.

When the companions of Mukhtar surrounded him, he attacked them sword in hand. Ibn Kamil said, “Do not attack him with lances or swords, rather shoot arrows and stones at him”. They brought him down to his feet by shooting arrows and stones at him and then burnt him alive (May Allah’s curse be upon him).
Then Mukhtar dispatched someone to fetch Sinan bin Anas, who had claimed to have killed Imam Husayn (a.s.). But he was informed that Sinan had fled to Basra, therefore he ordered his house to be demolished.
Then he summoned Abdullah bin Uqbah Ghanawi, he too had fled to (northwest) Mesopotamia, while his house too was destroyed. He had killed a child at Karbala.
Thereafter a man from the clan of Bani Asad, viz. Hurmalah bin Kahil Asadi was summoned, who had killed one of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) (Ali Asghar), but he could not be caught.

Then he dispatched someone in pursuit of a man from Bani Khas’am named Abdullah bin Urwah Khas’ami, who would say, “I shot twelve arrows at the companions of Husayn”, but he too could not be arrested and had joined Mus’ab bin Zubayr, while his house too was destroyed.
Then they chased ‘Amr bin Sabah Sada’i, who would say, “I wounded the martyrs but killed none”. They arrested him and at night brought him to Mukhtar, who ordered him to be killed with lances, until he died. Muhammad bin Ash’as was pursued, who had taken refuge in his village in the south of Qadisiyyah, but they could not lay their hands upon him, for he had fled to Mus’ab. Mukhtar ruined his house, and with the clay and bricks he repaired the house of Hujr bin Adi, which was destroyed by Ziyad.

Elimination of Ubaydullah bin Ziyad

Ibraheem bin Malik al Ashtar hastily left Kufa so as to reach Ibn Ziyad before he entered the territory of Iraq. Ibn Ziyad, accompanied by a huge army, had come from Syria and occupied Mosul. Ibraheem came and passed by Iraq and entered Mosul. He appointed Tufayl bin Laqit Nakha’i, who was a valorous man, to command the front line of his army.
Then when they neared Ibn Ziyad, he arrayed his army and arranged them in ranks. He proceeded further, and for the sake of investigation he dispatched Tufayl further and himself reached the river of Khazir of Mosul. He positioned himself in a village therein named Barmisa. Ibn Ziyad too came facing him and positioned himself near him on the banks of the river Khazir.

Umayr bin Habbab Salami, one of the companions of Ibn Ziyad, secretly sent a message to Ibn Ashtar that, “Meet me specially”. The entire tribe of Qays had borne enmity with Abdul Malik ibn Marwan after the episode of Marje Rahit, while the army of Abdul Malik was the same tribe of Kalb. Umayr and Ibn Ashtar met one another, and Umayr said, “I am the commander of the left wing of the army of Ibn Ziyad. And I promise to abandon the left wing and flee away”.
Ibn Ashtar asked him, “What is your opinion? Should I dig trenches and await for two three days?” Umayr replied, “Beware! The enemy does not desire anything except this. Every delay will be a boon for them, who are similar to you in numbers. The scant army in postponement does not have power to ward off numerous enemies. Attack them without respite while their hearts are still in awe. And if they blend with your army and fight day by day and in turn become familiar with them, they will turn audacious”.
Ibraheem replied, “Now I have realized that you are my well-wisher, while Mukhtar too had advised me similarly”. Umayr replied, “Then obey him, for he is an expert in warfare, while none is more experienced than him in this, and fight them this very morning."

Umayr returned to his army and Ibn Ashtar gnashed his teeth while sleep did not enter his eyes. When it dawned, he prepared his army and arrayed the groups while appointing commanders. He appointed Sulayman bin Yazid Azdi upon the right wing of his army and Ali bin Malik Jashami upon the left wing, while he was the brother of Ahwas. He gave the charge of the cavalry to Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah, his foster brother, while his cavalry were quite less in numbers. He appointed Tufayl bin Laqit to command the foot soldiers and handed over his standard to Mazahim bin Malik.
Nearing dawn, he recited the Prayers in darkness and arranged his companions. He stationed the appointed ones in their place and himself came on foot while encouraging his army. He gave them tidings of victory and took them in joy upon the huge hillock that stooped down upon the enemy. He was informed that none of them had moved from their place.

He dispatched Abdullah bin Zuhayr Salwani to investigate regarding it. He returned back and said, “Everyone of them were in the state of fear and indolence. One of them met me and they say: O Shi’ah of the Progeny of Abu Turab! O Shi’ah of the liar Mukhtar! While I replied that what we possess is far more important than abusing”. Thus Ibraheem mounted and neared the standards, while he remembered that Ibn Ziyad had killed Husayn and his companions and family and he also remembered the captivity (of his women) and blockage of water, thus he incited them to kill him. For details on what happened to the captives, you may to look to the 2021 article.

The army of the enemy came face to face. Ibn Ziyad appointed Haseen bin Nameer as the commander of the right wing of Syrians and Umayr bin Habbab Salami upon the left wing. He gave the charge of the cavalry to Sharhabeel bin Zil Kila’. Then when they neared, Haseen attacked the left wing of Ibraheem “with the right wing of the Syrians. Ali bin Malik Jashami confronted him until he was killed.
Then Qurrah bin Ali lifted the standard and he too pressed in along with a group of valorous men until he was killed, while the left wing started to flee. Then Abdullah bin Warqa’ bin Janadah Saluli, the nephew of Habashi bin Janadah, who was from one the companions of the Prophet of Allah (S), lifted up the standard and took charge of the fleeing ones and called out, “O Army of Allah! Rally around me”.
He then gathered most of them around him and said, “Your commander himself is fighting Ibn Ziyad, come let us go to him”. They came back to Ibraheem and saw that he had bared his head and was calling out, “O army of Allah! Come to me. I am the son of Ashtar. The best fugitive is the one who attacks once more, while the one who excuses from reattacking has committed evil”. Thus his companions returned back to him.

The right wing of Ibraheem attacked Umayr bin Ziyad (or Habbab) perceiving that Umayr would flee the battle as promised. But Umayr confronted them severely and considered fleeing away to be a disgrace. When Ibraheem saw this, he said, “We shall attack the vast central part of their army with a group, and if we rout them from their place and make them flee, those whom you see on our right and left, shall fly away like frightened birds”. His army attacked one side together and fought with one another with lances, swords and clubs and fought for some time. The sound of iron sounded similar to the pounding of clothes by washer men.
Ibraheem told his standard-bearer, “Take the standard into the ranks of the enemy”. He said, “There is no way to proceed further”. Ibraheem replied, “Yes, there is”, and when he took a step further, Ibraheem attacked severely with his sword. And he threw anyone who came in his way and crushed the foot soldiers as if they were a flock of cattle. His companions too followed suit, while a fierce battle ensued. The army of Ibn Ziyad started fleeing and numerous people from both the armies fell upon the ground.

It is said that the first one to flee was Umayr bin Habbab, while his earlier combat was just an excuse. When the enemy had fled, Ibraheem said, “I have killed a man under the standard lonely upon the bank of the Khazir river. Go and find him, for I smelt the fragrance of Musk emanating from him. Both of his hands had fallen towards the east and his legs towards the west”. They found him and he was none other than (Ubaydullah) Ibn Ziyad, who had been divided into two by the sword of Ibraheem, and as described by him. They took hold of his head and burnt his body. (May Allah’s eternal curse be upon him and his associates, and may he remain eternally in the lowest dent of hell).

When the army of Ibn Ziyad fled from the battle, the companions of Ibraheem pursued them and threw them into the river, while those who were drowned were mostly the murderers (of Imam Husayn). Then they took hold of their barracks with all their provisions as booty.

Ibraheem sent the glad-tidings of victory to Mukhtar and he received it in Madaen. Ibraheem dispatched his officials to the cities of Mosul that were under their control. He appointed his (foster) brother Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah upon Nasibayn and gave him dominance upon Sanjar and Darad and its surroundings from the island of Arazi. He appointed Zafar bin Haris as the governor of Qarqisiyah and Hatim bin Nu’man Bahili upon Haran, Riha, Samisat and it’s districts. He also appointed Umayr bin Habbab Salami the governor of Kafare Tawsa and Tawre Asabdayn, while Ibraheem himself positioned at Mosul.
He then sent the head of Ubaydullah, along with that of his other commanders, to Mukhtar and they were scattered in the palace. A small snake was seen crawling among the heads and it entered the mouth of Ubaydullah and came out of the opening of his nose. Then it entered through the other opening of his nose and came out of his mouth, and repeated this act several times. Tirmizi has quoted similarly in his Jami’.

Mughirah says, that the first one in Islam to mint false coins was Ubaydullah (bin Ziyad). One of the porters of Ubaydullah bin Ziyad entered the royal palace along with him at the time of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.). Suddenly the face of Ibn Ziyad became ablaze, and he wiped it by the sleeve of his shirt and told the porter, “Beware! Do not relate this to anyone”.
Mughirah says, that after the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.), Marjanah, the mother of Ubaydullah, told him, “O unchaste! You killed the grandson of the Prophet of Allah? You shall never see paradise”.

It is related in Kamiluz Ziarat, through chain of transmitters from Abdul Rahman Ghanawi in context of the narration, that soon Yazid was inflicted, and after the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.) he did not benefit, while he died suddenly. He slept at night in an inebriate state and in the morning his corpse had turned black similar to tar and had fallen prey to remorse. And there was none who had obeyed him in the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.) and fought with him, except that he had turned insane or developed leprosy or paralysis, and this continued in his progeny as inheritance.

End of the Uprising

After eighteen months of rule and war with three groups, the Umayyads in Syria, the Zubayr Dynasty in Hijaz, and the nobles of Kufa, Mukhtar was killed on Ramadan 14, 67/April 3, 687, at  67, by Mus'ab b. al-Zubayr. On Mus'ab's command, al-Mukhtar's hands were cut off and nailed to the wall of Masjid al-Kufa. When Hajjaj b. Yusuf gained power over Kufa; he ordered the hands be buried.

After al-Mukhtar's death, his followers, consisting of 6000 people encircled in the palace and surrendered. Mus'ab b. al-Zubayr ordered all of them to be killed. The decision was so horrifying that when 'Abd Allah b. 'Umar saw Mus'ab, said: "Even if they were 6000 sheep which belonged to your father, you shouldn't have done this.

Mukhtar is buried in The Great Mosque of Kufa.