The Revolt

Mukhtar used two phrases: "Ya la-Tharat al-Husayn" (Arabic: یالثارات الحسین, lit.: O the avengers of Husayn) and "Ya Mansur, Amit" (Arabic: یا منصور أمِت, lit.: O the victor, kill) as his motto. When putting his war clothes on, al-Mukhtar informed his followers of the beginning of the uprising by chanting these mottoes. The second motto was first used in the Battle of Badr, and the Tawwabun Uprising used the first. Also, when 'Umar b. Saad (commander of Yazid's army at Karbala) was killed, the people of Kufa celebrated by chanting "Ya la-Tharat al-Husayn".

When Ibraheem heard Zayd (or Yazid) bin Anas', Ahmar bin Shamit's, and Abdullah bin Kamil's witnesses, he arose from his elevated bed and sat Mukhtar in his place and pledged allegiance to him, and they left.  Ibraheem started visiting Mukhtar every night and revising the fulfilment of their plans.

They resolved to arise on Thursday night, the fourteenth of the month of Rabi' ul Ula 66 A.H. That night, Ibraheem recited the Maghrib Prayers with his companions and after that, went towards Mukhtar equipped with arms. Ayas bin Mazarib came to Abdullah bin Muti' and said, "Mukhtar plans to fight you tonight until tomorrow night, while I have dispatched my son to the ground of Kinasah.

Then, if you dispatch a man from among your companions' along with well-equipped men to every ground of Kufa, Mukhtar and his companions would fear to revolt against you. Therefore, Ibn Muti' sent the following with command upon the ground. He dispatched Abdul Rahman bin Qays Hamadani to the ground of Sabi' and told him to gain control of his clan but not to bring about any incident. He dispatched Ka'ab bin Abi Ka'ab Khas'ami to the ground of Bashar, Zahr bin Qays Ju'fi to Kinda, Abdul Rahman bin Abi Makhnaf to Sa'ediyyin, Shimr bin Ziljawshan to Salim, and Yazid bin Ruwaym to Murad. He commanded each of them that the rebels should not cross them to enter the city.

He dispatched Shabas bin Rab'ee to Sabkhah and told him, "Whenever you hear any of their voices, go towards them". It was on Monday when the (army of the) empire occupied the grounds, and on the night of Tuesday, Ibraheem desired to join Mukhtar. He was informed that the grounds were filled with the army, while Ayas bin Mazarib and the guards had taken the streets and the Royal Palace under his protection. Ibraheem was accompanied by a hundred men who had worn armours below their shirts. His companions told him to take a by-way, but he said, "No, by Allah! Rather, I shall pass from the centre of the road and from near the Royal Palace to instil fear into the hearts of the enemies and announce that they are degraded and less in our eyes". Ibraheem passed by Baab al Feel and circled the 'Amr bin Hurays house. Ayas bin Mazarib, along with an army well-equipped with arms, faced him and asked, "Who are you?" Ibraheem replied, "I am Ibraheem bin Ashtar", to which Ayas asked, "What is this group that you have brought along with you, and what do you intend? "I shall not lift my hands off you until I take you to my commander".Ibraheem replied, "Get away from my way", to which he replied, "I shall not do so". Abu Qatan Hamadani, one of Ibraheem's friends, was along with Ayas. Ibraheem called out to him, and he, presuming that Ibraheem would request him to mediate on his behalf, went towards him. When he neared him, Ibraheem snatched off his spear, pierced into Ayas's neck, threw him down, and commanded one of his companions to get hold of his head.

While the army of Ayas scattered and reached Ibn Muti'. He deputed Rashid bin Ayas as the head of police in place of his father and dispatched Suwayd bin Abdul Rahman Manqari to Kinasah in his stead. Meanwhile, Ibraheem bin Ashtar reached Mukhtar and said, "We had decided to lay siege tomorrow night, but due to certain circumstances, we should do so tonight", and he informed him about the killing of Ayas. Mukhtar was pleased by this news and said, "This is the first victory, Allah willing".

Then he told Sa'eed bin Manqaz, "Arise and set on fire dry sticks and reeds and give the signal", and he told Abdullah bin Shaddad, "Arise and announce: O defenders of the Nation"! Then he told Sufyan bin Layla and Qudamah bin Malik, "Both of you raise the slogan of O revengers of the blood of Husayn". Then he wore the dress of battle, and Ibraheem said, "This army that has gained control upon the grounds shall not let our companions reach us. It is better that I go to my tribe along with my companions and prepare those who obey us, and along with them, I should surround the districts of Kufa and raise the slogan. Then those who desire to revolt would join us, while those who come to you should be taken care of. And if they attack you, there should remain with you such number of men who would defend you until I join you". Mukhtar replied, "Go and hasten, but lest you attack the commander and fight them, then do not fight anyone except those who fight you".

Ibraheem and his companions left and reached their tribe, and those who accepted their call accompanied them. He entered them on the streets of Kufa that night and passed by the ground where the chiefs of Ibn Muti' had been stationed. There, they met a group of cavalry of Zahr bin Qays Ju'fi who had no commander.

Ibraheem attacked them and pushed them back until the road of Kinda, then said, "O Lord! You know that we have come to rage for the sake of the Progeny of Your Prophet (S) and seek revenge for their blood. Bestow victory for us upon them".

Then he came back after leaving those who had fled and reached the ground of Aseer. A group of men raised slogans and Ibraheem halted there. Suddenly Suwayd bin Abdul Rahman Manqari, with a greed to earn proximity to Ibn Muti', galloped towards them, and when Ibraheem received news that he had come; he called out, "O army of Allah! Come forth, for you are more worthy of victory than these lewd men who are submerged in the blood of the Progeny (a.s.) of your Prophet (S)".

They proceeded further and attacked them until they pushed them into the desert. They climbed upon each other's shoulders, vilifying one another; they chased them and entered them into the ground. The companions of Ibraheem told him, "Some of us should follow them and should gain benefit from the fear that has been instilled in their hearts".

Ibraheem replied, "No, rather we should reach Mukhtar and relieve his heart, he should know that we are along with him and he should be brave-hearted along with his companions. And because it is possible that he must have been attacked till now". Ibraheem reached the door of the house of Mukhtar when he heard voices and perceived that battle was on. Shabas bin Rab'ee had attacked them from the side of Sabkhah, while Mukhtar had dispatched Yazid bin Anas to face him. Hajjar bin Abjar Ajali, too, had laid siege, while he (Mukhtar) dispatched Ahmar bin Shamit to face him.

At that moment, while fighting, Ibraheem came from the side of the Royal Palace. Hajjar and his companions realized that Ibraheem had reached them from their backs; therefore, they immediately scattered to the streets. Qays bin Tahfah Nahdi, one of the companions of Mukhtar, along with a hundred men, attacked Shabas bin Rabi' who was fighting with (Yazid bin) Anas and opened the way and reached Anas bin Yazid (or Yazid bin Anas).

When Shabas saw this, he returned to Ibn Muti' and said, "You should gather all the chiefs whom you have stationed on the grounds and collect the army at one place and attack them, for they have attained victory. While Mukhtar has prepared his task and has revolt-ed".

When Mukhtar was apprised of this, he came out of his house and, along with a group of his companions, positioned himself in Sabkhah behind Deere Hind. Abu Usman Nahdi came out and proclaimed: "O seekers of revenge for the blood of Husayn! O defenders of the nation", to the tribe of Shakir who had gathered in their houses but had concealed themselves due to fear of Ka'ab Khas'ami who had positioned himself close to them and had blocked their way.

He then said, "O the guided tribe! The trustworthy and vizier of the Progeny (a.s.) of Muhammad (S) has arisen, and has positioned himself near Deere Hind. He has sent me so that I may invite you and give you glad tid-ings, then come out, may Allah have mercy upon you!"

They all scattered out calling, "O seeker of revenge for Husayn", and fought with Ka'ab until they opened their way and reached Mukhtar and stationed themselves alongside him. Abdullah bin Qatadah joined Mukhtar along with two hundred men. Kaab attacked them, but when he realized they were from his tribe, he opened their way. Shibam, a branch of the tribe of Hamadan, came out in the last part of the night.

When this news reached Abdul Rahman bin Sa'eed Hamadani, one of the chiefs, he sent them a message saying, "If you intend to assist Mukhtar, do not pass by the cemetery of Sabi".

They, too, joined Mukhtar, while three thousand and eight hundred men from among the twelve thousand who had pledged allegiance at his hands gathered around him until the dawn. He completed arranging them until dawn and recited the morning Prayers along with his companions in darkness.

Ibn Muti summoned the chiefs of all the grounds to the Mosque and commanded Rashid to announce, "Any one who does not come tonight to the Mosque, his blood and wealth is lawful upon us". Every one of them gathered, and Ibn Muti' dispatched Shabas bin Rab'ee with an army of three thousand men against Mukhtar and Rashid bin Ayas with four thousand guards. Shabas proceeded towards Mukhtar, while Mukhtar received the news of his arrival after the Morning Prayers and sent someone to investigate.

Sa'ar bin Abi Sa'ar, who was one of the companions of Mukhtar, and could not reach him until then joined him. He informed him that Rashid bin Ayas had collided with him on the way. Mukhtar dispatched Ibraheem bin Ashtar with five hundred or six hundred horsemen and five hundred foot soldiers to face Rashid, and he also sent Na'eem bin Hubayrah, the brother of Masqalah bin Hubayrah, with three hundred horsemen and six hundred foot soldiers to face Shabas bin Rab'ee. He ordered them to fight at night and not to fall prey to the enemy, for they were larger in number than them.

Ibraheem went towards Rashid, while Mukhtar sent Yazid bin Anas with nine hundred men towards the site of the Mosque. Shabas lined up facing him and Na'eem fought fiercely with Shabas. Na'eem deputed Sa'ar bin Abi Sa'ar as commander upon the cavalry and himself proceeded further along with the foot-soldiers and fought with them until the sun arose and the sun-light spread wide. The companions of Shabas attacked those of Na'eem who scattered, while Na'eem himself resisted strongly until he fell a martyr (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him). Sa'ar bin Abi Sa'ar too was arrested along with a group of his companions; they released the Arabs and killed the Non-Arabs. Shabas proceeded and surrounded Mukhtar who had turned feeble due to the death of Na'eem.

Ibn Muti' dispatched Yazid bin Hars bin Ruwaym with two thousand men who blocked the entrance of the streets. Mukhtar handed over the command of the cavalry to Yazid bin Anas and himself proceeded onto the ground along with the foot-soldiers, while the cavalry of Shabas attacked him and the companions of Mukhtar resisted them.

Yazid bin Anas told them, "O group of Shi'ah! They kill you due to your affection for the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.), sever your hands and legs, blind your eyes, and hang you upon the palm tree branches even though you remain seated in your houses obeying the enemies. Then what do you presume, if they gain victory upon you today, by Allah, in the twinkling of an eye, they shall kill you with hands bound together and treat your children, womenfolk and wealth in a manner that death is better than beholding it. By Allah! You shall not pave the road of salvation from their side except through insistence and forbearance besides opportune lances and the impressive striking of the swords. Then prepare for the attack.

Hearing this they gained momentum, knelt down and yielded to his orders. Ibraheem Ashtar reached Rashid who had four thousand men along with him, he told his companions, "Do not fear their large numbers, by Allah, for even one man can be better than ten. And Allah is along with those who forbear". Then Ibraheem turned towards his standard-bearer and said, "Take the standard further and kill the army behind you".They fought fiercely while Khuzaymah bin Nasr Abasi reached Rashid and killed him while calling out, "By the Lord of the Ka'bah! I have killed Rashid". Hearing this, his (Rashid's) companions fled while Ibraheem, Khuzaymah and their companions, after having killed Rashid, proceeded towards Mukhtar. They sent him a message, and when they received the glad-tidings, they pronounced the Takbeer and their hearts became stronger.

Ibn Muti' dispatched Hissan bin Qa'ed bin Bakr Abasi with two thousand men towards Ibraheem bin Ashtar to prevent him from reaching his army at Sabkhah. Ibraheem attacked them, and they fled without fighting them, while Hissan stayed behind and defended his companions. Khuzaymah attacked him and, recognizing him, said, "O Hissan! If there would not have been relation between us, I would have killed you. Then save yourself". Suddenly, his horse stumbled, and he fell upon the ground while people surrounded him, and he fought with them for a while. Then Khuzaymah told him, "You are in protection. Do not hand over yourself to death". They all lifted their hands off him, and he (Khuzaymah) told Ibraheem, "He is my cousin while I have promised him protection". Ibraheem replied, "You have done fair." saying this, he commanded that his horse be brought. He was seated upon his horse, and Ibraheem told him, "Go to your house". Ibraheem then proceeded towards Mukhtar, who was surrounded by Shabas bin Rab'ee. Yazid bin Hars, who was positioned upon the entrance of the streets, faced him to desist him from reaching Shabas. Ibraheem dispatched a group of his companions with Khuzaymah bin Nasr to face him, and himself, along with some others, went to Mukhtar's aid.Ibraheem attacked the army of Shabas from behind, while Yazid bin Anas too called out for battle. Shabas and his army fled and entered the houses of Kufa, while Khuzaymah bin Nasr defeated Yazid bin Hars, and they, too, fled and gathered in the entrances of the streets and behind the roofs. Mukhtar proceeded further, and when he reached the entrance of the street, they started shooting arrows at him and prevented him from entering Kufa from there. The defeated army of Sabkhah came to Ibn Muti', and he also received the news of the killing of Rashid and turned restless.

Amr bin Hajjaj Zubaydi told him, “O man! Do not clasp your hands. Go out to the men and invite them to face your enemy—numerous will side with you except these rebels whom Allah shall ultimately humiliate. I am the first to accept it while a group of men are with me and another is with others". Ibn Muti came out and reprimanded people for their flight and commanded them to face Mukhtar and his companions. When Mukhtar saw that Yazid bin Hars would not let him enter Kufa, he turned towards the houses of Mazinah, Ahmas and Bariq. They owned houses separated from the city; they gave water to his companions to drink while he (Mukhtar) did not partake, for he was fasting. Ahmar bin Shamit asked Ibn Kamil, "Do you not know that he is fasting?" he replied in the affirmative. He said, "I wish he would break his fast, then he would be stronger". Ibn Kamil said, "He is wise and intelligent regarding his responsibility". Ahmar replied, "You speak the truth. Allah's pardon". Then Mukhtar said, "This place is better for battle". Ibraheem replied, "Allah has entangled the opponent enemy in flight and instilled fear into their hearts. Then take us to Kufa, by Allah! There is none to block our way to the Royal Palace". Mukhtar then kept those among his companions who were old and ailing, as well as his belongings there, and appointed Abu Usman Nahdi to take care of them and dispatched Ibraheem before him.

Ibn Muti' dispatched 'Amr bin Hajjaj with two thousand men to face Mukhtar. Mukhtar sent a message to Ibraheem saying that he should kneel facing them. They knelt while Mukhtar dispatched Yazid bin Anas and commanded him to stand facing 'Amr bin Hajjaj. Then he proceeded behind Ibraheem and halted at the 'Musalla' (the place of Prayer) of Khalid bin Abdullah. When Ibraheem desired to enter Kufa from the road of Kinasah, Shimr bin Ziljawshan came out against him with a group of two thousand men. Mukhtar dispatched Sa'eed bin Manqaz Hamadani to face him and sent a message to Ibraheem that he should continue moving. Ibraheem proceeded further until he reached the street of Shabas, while Nawfal bin Masahiq had positioned thereat with two thousand or five thousand men; the latter number is more reliable. Ibn Muti' ordered that it be announced that people should join Ibn Masahiq, and he positioned at Kinasah while giving the charge of the Royal Palace to Shabas bin Rab'ee.

Ibraheem reached Ibn Muti' and ordered his companions to dismount and said, "Do not fear when they say that Shabas has come, or the family of Atbah bin Nahas has come, or the family of Ash'as or Yazid bin Hars or the family of so and so has come", naming all the families of Kufa. Then he retorted, "If they taste the fire of the swords, they shall flee away from Ibn Muti' as a sheep flees away from the wolf". All of them obeyed his orders while Ibn Ashtar tied the end of his shirt upon his waist while all of them scattered in one manly attack. They ran upon each other's shoulders and gathered at the entrance of the streets. Ibn Ashtar reached Ibn Masahiq, and, catching hold of his reins, lifted his sword upon him. Ibn Masahiq said, “O son of Ashtar! I request you in the name of Allah, does there exist envy or revenge of blood between us?" Ibraheem spared him and said, "Then remember this (kindness)", he always remembered this favour. Then they entered Kinasah, while pursuing those who had fled and took control of each market and Mosque. Ibn Muti and those of the noblemen of Kufa, who were along with him in the Palace, were surrounded, except 'Amr bin Hurays, who had remained in his house and had retired to the desert.

Mukhtar himself entered and positioned himself at the corner of the market and deputed Ibraheem, Yazid bin Anas and Ahmar bin Shamit to surround the Palace. After three days of severe siege, Shabas told Ibn Muti', "Find a way out for yourself and your companions. By Allah! They do not possess the power to save you or their own selves". Ibn Muti' replied, "Then give me your opinion". Shabas replied, "There is one way, and that is to ask protection for yourself and us and submit to them and come out along with your companions, and do not kill yourself and your companions".Ibn Muti' replied, "I consider it a shame to seek their protection when the commander of the faithful (he meant Abdullah bin Zubayr) holds control upon Hijaz and Basrah". Shabas said, "Then you should come out of the palace in secret and enter the house of the one on whom you rely and remain there until you reach your master". Abdul Rahman bin Sa'eed, Asma bin Kharejah, Ibn Makhnaf and other noblemen too accepted his proposal. They remained there until night, then Ibn Muti' told them, "I know what the ignoble and lewd men did to you, while all the noblemen and meritorious among you listened and obeyed. I shall inform my master regarding this and shall relate to him your obedience and battle until whatever Allah wills". All praised him, and he came out alone and took refuge in the house of Abu Moosa. Ibn Ashtar reached the door of the Palace while the companions of Ibn Muti' threw open the doors after he had left and said, "O son of Ashtar! Are we in protection?" He replied, "All of you are granted protection", thus they came out. All of them then swore allegiance to Mukhtar, who entered and spent the night therein, while the noblemen saw the dawn in the Mosque and at the door of the Palace. At dawn, Mukhtar came out and ascended the pulpit; after praising and glorifying Allah, he said, "Praise be to the Lord, Who promised victory to His friend, and to His enemy a share in losses, and has made these glad tidings a means of performance until the end of the world and has approved His command, while the one who accuses will ultimately be dejected. O people! A standard was erected for us, and duration was fixed. It was said unto us: Raise the standard, perform the task in the scheduled time, and do not violate it. We paid heed to the invitation of the caller and heard the words of the announcer and how many men and women are there who give news of the death of those killed in the battle. Far be away the rebels, the treacherous, the disobedient ones, those who refute and flee away. Beware, O people! Enter and pledge allegiance at the hands of guidance. I swear by the one Who has made the sky a roof upon everyone and has furbished valleys and roads upon the earth, after the allegiance of Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.) and his Progeny (a.s.), you will not find any other allegiance better than this".Then he descended the pulpit, and all the noblemen of Kufa came and swore allegiance at his hands upon the book of Allah, the customs of the Prophet (S), seeking avenge for the blood of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.), and struggle against the cunning, defence of the weak, battle against the aggressors, and peace with the Muslims. Manzar bin Hissan and his son Hissan pledged their oath of allegiance to Mukhtar, and when they came outside after visiting him, Sa'eed bin Manqaz Sawri met them and said, "By Allah! Both of them are from among the leaders of tyrants". Then he killed both of them, and as much as Manzar kept saying, "Lift your hands off us until we obtain orders from Mukhtar", he did not pay heed to him."

When Mukhtar was informed about this episode, he disliked their attitude. Mukhtar was giving fair promises to the people, attracting the views of the notables to himself and was treating them with kindness. It was said to him, "Ibn Muti' is present in the house of Abu Moosa", but he did not reply and sent a hundred thousand Dirhams at night with a message, "Keep this as expenses for your journey. I know as to where you are and that you intend going away, but you do not have the money", while there was friendship between them. Mukhtar had a thousand Dirhams in his treasury, from which he gave five hundred Dirhams each to those who remained with him until the siege of the Palace, while they were three thousand men. He gave twenty Dirhams each to those who had joined him after the siege of the Palace while remaining for three days of siege along with him. He met people courteously and made the notables sit with him. Then, he appointed Abdullah bin Kamil Shakiri as the head of his police and Kaisan Abu Umrah as the chief of guards upon the seat of his capital. One day, when Abu' Amr was standing at the head of Mukhtar, while he was speaking with the notables and was paying heed to their words, one of his Persian friends told him in the Persian language, "Do you not see that Abu Ishaq has turned towards the Arabs and does not look at us?" Mukhtar asked him, "What did he say?" Abu Umrah repeated his words for him, and Mukhtar said, "This should not be objectionable for you, for you are from me and I from you.", this he bowed his head for some time and remained silent, then he recited the following verse:

"Verily We, from the guilty ones, shall exact (the due) retribution" (Surah al-Sajdah, 32:22).

When they heard his words, they said, "Have glad tidings, as if you are the ones who will kill", while he had meant (to kill) the notables.The first standard which Mukhtar fastened was for Abdullah bin Hars (or Haris), the brother of Malik Ashtar, and made him the governor of Armenistan. Then he appointed Muhammad bin Umayr bin Atarud upon Azarbayjan, Abdullah (or Abdul Rahman) bin Sa'eed bin Qays upon Mosul, Ishaq bin Mas'ood upon Madaen and Jawkha. He also appointed Qudamah bin Abu Isa bin Zam'ah Nasari, who was an ally of the Saqif (tribe), upon the greater Bahqabaz, Muhammad bin Ka'ab bin Qarzah upon the Central Bahqabaz, Sa'ad bin Huzayfah bin Yaman upon Halawan, and commanded him to fight the Turks and make peace therein.Ibn Zubayr had appointed Muhammad bin Ash'as bin Qays as the governor of Mosul, and when Abdul Rahman bin Sa'eed reached Mosul from the side of Mukhtar, Muhammad fled to Takrit and paused there to see as to view the circumstances, then he came from there to Mukhtar and pledged allegiance at his hands.

Then, when Mukhtar became relieved of the rebels and other tasks, be called for an audience of people and sat to judge and said, "I have to attend to a task due to which I will not be able to accomplish this task of judging", saying this he appointed Shurayh to judge among people. Shurayh feared the people and, therefore, pretended to be ill. While people would say, "He befriends Usman and gave witness against Hujr bin Adi and did not even reach the message of Hani bin Urwah from the prison to the men, while Imam Ali (a.s.) himself had deposed him from judgment", and when this criticism came to his ears, he pretended to be ill and abdicated. Therefore, Mukhtar appointed Abdullah bin Utbah bin Mas'ood in his place, but he too became ill, so he appointed Abdullah bin Malik Tai.